Now that you've created Work Centers, you can start creating shift schedules for employees assigned to Work Centers.
There are 2 approaches to schedule shifts -
Individual Shift Scheduling
Mass Shift Scheduling
Note: If you want to duplicate a shift, you can use the Repeating Shifts functionality.
1. Individual Shift Scheduling
Step 1: Click on Shift Scheduler under Attendance to view the Schedule builder and select the date range for the week you wish to schedule.
Step 2: Click on each cell to schedule the office location and the shift timing for each of your employees throughout the week
Step 3: Clicking on Save as Draft allows you to create a full draft schedule and publish it upon confirmation
As seen in the below image, shifts scheduled as Draft are shaded with lines, whereas Published shifts are unshaded with no lines.
Note: To schedule a day off for an employee within the week, check the option 'Make it a day off' on that particular day.
Step 4: To publish a schedule, click on Publish Shift to notify employees of their schedules through push notification on the Bayzat app.
2. Mass Shift Scheduling
This approach is useful if you have multiple work centers and employees, as it saves you time selecting shift timings and employees simultaneously.
Step 1: Click on Shift Scheduler under Attendance to view the Schedule builder, select the date range for the week you wish to schedule, and click on 'Schedule Shift'.
Step 2: Your Work Centers will be visible on the left panel and shift timings along the top of the schedule
Select the Work Center, the office locations and the shift timing you would like to assign, and mass select employees by clicking on the checkmark on each cell for all employees who will be scheduled for that particular shift for that week
Step 3: Continue to mass select employees for other shift timings for all your Work Centers as needed. Each shift is color-coded. You can un-assign a shift by clicking on the 'x' icon. Click on Save when complete.
Step 4: All your employee shifts will be scheduled in the draft stage, click on Publish Shift to notify your employees of their scheduled shifts for the week
Use the filters on the right to narrow down your search and pinpoint relevant shift details you want to view or edit
Use the download button to export weekly shift schedules in excel format
You can create all your weekly shifts in the draft stage and click on the Publish Shift button to publish them all at once
All shift employees affected by any of the scheduled shifts will be notified via push notification on the Bayzat app of their new or changed shifts