Transfer Iqama

How to transfer Iqama with Muqeem Integration

Manisha Chincholia avatar
Written by Manisha Chincholia
Updated over a week ago

To transfer an Iqama for an employee, you can go to the Documents section in the employee's profile. Look for the button that says "Issue a Document" and click on it. Then, from the options that appear, select "Transfer Iqama."

The Transfer Iqama process consists of 3 steps.

Step 1: Confirming that the following prerequisites have been completed

  • The request for employee transfer has been submitted and approved on Qiwa.

  • The employee has no pending traffic violation fines.

  • The employee has a valid passport.

Step 2: Adding in the Iqama transfer details

To transfer an employee’s Iqama, enter the employee’s existing Iqama number and their company’s sponsor ID.

Step 3: Confirming payment

In the last step, confirm that you have made the payment through SADAD to transfer the employee's Iqama. Once done, you can proceed by clicking on "Transfer Iqama." This action will activate the Muqeem integration service, which will handle the process of transferring the Iqama.

If the Transfer is successful, a new Iqama document will be created for the employee. The employee will also receive a push notification.

If the Transfer is not successful, an error message will be displayed from Muqeem. You can rectify the details in the above steps mentioned and press Transfer Iqama again or save it as a draft to the process at a later date.

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