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How to edit or delete a post on Bayzat Newsfeed
How to edit or delete a post on Bayzat Newsfeed

This article explains how to edit or delete a post on Bayzat Newsfeed

Manisha Chincholia avatar
Written by Manisha Chincholia
Updated over a week ago

Edit Posts

Only the creator of the post can edit a post. The post creators will see the menu icon for all the posts except system-generated posts.

When a user chooses to edit a post:

  • It will take you to the post edit flow which is the same as the post creation flow with the images, attachments, and written content pre-filled.

  • You will be able to edit who can see this post.

  • Edited posts when saved, will contain an 'edited' label - a few seconds ago, X minutes ago, X hours ago, X days ago, etc.

Delete Posts

Only the creator of the post can delete a post by clicking on the menu icon. When a user chooses to delete a post:

  • The creator will receive a confirmation pop up 'Are you sure you want to delete this post?'

  • You can then choose to confirm or cancel the deletion.

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