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How to create new Leaves policies
How to create new Leaves policies

Customizing time off policies

Yohann Allen avatar
Written by Yohann Allen
Updated over a week ago

With the new enhancement in Time-Off, you will now see a renamed tab on the Configuration page i.e. LEAVES.

On Bayzat, you can customize your leave policies and create your own list of leave policies such as vacation leave, sick leave, or any other type of leave your employees are entitled to. 

Step 1: Create your time off policies

Under Settings, click on Configuration and select the Leaves tab.

Click on the Leaves policies section, and you will see the list of policies created when your account is configured. You can view the summary, Edit the settings or Delete the policy as needed from the menu at the right-hand side of each leave policy.

Click on Add New to create a new policy.

You can now either create a new policy from scratch or by using a template provided which will be according to the Labor law.

Define the rules of the new leave policy by filling in each of the fields, specifying whether this is a paid leave or unpaid leave policy (click here for unpaid leave policies).

Policy details:

  • Name your policy- Fill in the name of the leave policy according to your requirement which should be visible to the employees.

  • Description- When creating a leave policy, you can write a description to explain how the leave policy works. The leave policy descriptions will be visible to all employees through the website & mobile application.

In the new enhancement, you can now set up conditional leave allowance based on their probation or tenure in the organization.

Enabling the toggle allows setting different conditions to be applied to automatically update the leave allowances based on those conditions.

  • Select how you would like to calculate Leave allowances i.e. Calendar days or Working days.

    You now have the ability to exclude public holidays from being counted as leave days when using Calendar Days leave type. Hovering over the information icon gives you a quick view of any overlapping leave requests.

    You can enable this feature in existing leave policies, the system will calculate & update the total leave days for upcoming leave requests. Affected leave requests will be moved back to the Pending state.

  • Select if the leave policy is an annually recurring policy or One time only along with updating the carry-over allowance each cycle.

  • Specifying whether this is a paid leave or unpaid leave policy (click here for unpaid leave policies).

  • Define the policy restriction and proceed to either assign the employees in the next step or save it as a draft.

Step 2: Assign / Unassign the leave policy to employees

With the improved feature, Super admins can now assign/unassign employees from the leave policies.

You can assign employees to the relevant leave policies by selecting the employee name or clicking the arrow as shown below OR clicking on Move All if this policy is applicable to all employees.

Similarly to Unassign employees you can click on the cross icon or Remove all.

Finally, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Next.

The third step allows you to review/update the allowances and proration of new employees.

Confirm or edit the details shown for each employee (Hire date, Probation end date, Allowance, Days used, Carryover allowance, and Carried over days.)

Note: If an employee has already consumed/applied for leave days from a particular leave type, you can update this information in the Used Days column as shown below.

Review the policy you created and click on Done to save the policy.

Your new time off policy will be added to your list of leave policies and you can make edits as needed to the policy or add/remove employees to this policy by clicking on any of the icons provided.

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